Install XWiki on Oracle

고포릿 2006. 11. 11. 00:10


Oracle support

An Oracle database can be used with XWiki but requires extra setup work to complete. The following changes are required:

  • in hibernate.cfg.xml :
    • Change the hibernate dialect to "OracleDialect" .... DO NOT USE Oracle9Dialect as this reduces the ability to correctly identify mappings using clob/blob elements.
    • Change the connection.drivers_class to "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
  • Add the ojdbc14.jar to the lib directory.

Oracle 10g

  1. Create the database and user.
  2. Import the schema- xwiki-db-0.9.2-oracleDDL.sql
  3. Configure the database properties as described above. Out of the
    box, you will probably experience problems with foreign key relations
    or deadlocks (from the OSCaching) resulting from database errors.
  4. Add the hibernate user type class from http://www.hibernate.org/56.html?
    and then change the type on any large objects (more than 4K) to the
    ClobType above. There were six of these though not exactly a
    one-for-one match to the six clob instances in the schema. The schema
    for xwikiclasses has two attributes, one of which is a clob, that
    aren't reflected in the hibernate configuration. Second, the hibernate
    configuration maps two types to the xwikilargestrings.
  5. Since you have an empty database, in xwiki.cfg you should setup
    "xwiki.superadminpassword=toto" to activate the "superadmin" user with
    password "toto". You can use this account to setup rights.
  6. Unknown steps needed to get attachments working.